“Serving Montgomery county since 2001”

Child Education And Safety At Their Best

Address: 15303 Chinaberry St.

North Potomac, MD 20878

Phone: 240-447-9498

Hours: Monday to Friday

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM


Teachers teaching the children how to paintIt is always exciting to see our kids learn and have fun. But it becomes more invigorating for us parents if we see that our children are learning as much as they should in an environment where their welfare is the number one priority. At Zhilla’s Daycare Center, we facilitate programs that will meet the child’s developmental needs in the following areas:

  • Communication and Early Language Skills
  • Physical Motor Skills Development
  • Executive Function, Task Completion and Focus
  • Fostering Emotional Skills and Socialization Skills
  • Creative Vocal Expression

Zhilla’s Daycare Center Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM